Repair & Maintenance

Four Boilers
Four boilers need repair or replacement. The estimates received for the replacement of the boilers are between $30,000 to $38,000 per boiler.  Repairs done on the four boilers this past heating season were approximately $9,000. This does not include the cost of gas and oil.

Wood on window frames are weathering due to the freezing cold temperatures during the winter, and the heat and humidity during the summer. Weather proofing needs to be applied to all these wood window frames.  Need to consult with contractors for estimates.

Gutters and roof are aging and in need of waterproofing, cleaning and repairs.

Fire Inspection
Annual fire safety inspections and replacement of expired fire prevention and safety equipment. ie. Fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, etc., approximately $1,000 annually.

Stained Glass
Three irreplaceable stain glass windows in the external chapel need to fixed and restored to their original condition. A stain glass restoration specialist has quoted $8,600 for the needed work.

Crumbling Exterior Wall
Occasionally we have some friars with the skills and expertise to perform the work and we only need to supply the materials. Thankfully, Fr. Benedict Joseph and Fr. Alan are skilled masons.  We will be flying them in from England to do the needed masonry work to repair the exterior wall.

Other Maintenance Expenses and Needs

Property Liability Insurance, approximately $8,000 annually.

If you would like to help, please visit our donations page.

Donate to the Friends of the Newark Monastery